I've been rather surprised at how little I actually think about the sex of this little one inside me. With the other three I just couldn't wait to find out!! I think with Gabe it was because he was my first (and by the way I really wanted a boy first my whole life), and with Lily I just knew she was a girl and needed medical confirmation! Not sure why with Noah because I was on the fence with with I wanted. Not to say that I don't think about it at all because I do at times. It seems that so far the blogging community thinks girl. As for me, going by the pregnancy thus far I would guess its a girl. My nausea has been horrible just like it was with Lily (the boys weren't too bad). But if I go by intuition I'm leaning more towards boy at this point. But the intuition is barely there. With Lily I was totally convinced she was a girl!! I'm so excited to be surprised about this one! I'm going to be very clear to the ultrasound tech the steer clear of that whole region when I have my ultrasound! With Gabe we wanted to be surprised but it was so obvious in the ultrasound, lol.
Has anyone else ever gone on a baby moon before a baby was born? I have not. Simply because, we were too broke, lol. I would really like to this time around but in a different way. I probably should do a romantic getaway with lawrence....but..... What I would really like is to just go to edmonton for a couple days all by myself! Stay in a hotel, order room service, do some baby shopping....all by myself! I know, a little bit selfish but it would be so nice! I haven't talked with lawrence about it because its so far off yet (wouldn't go until the last couple months). We'll see.