
Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Moda Deb Strain, Love U Owls

Michael Miller, Giraffe Garden

Amy Schimler, On A Whim

Alexander Henry, Spotted Owls

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Suspicions and Baby Moons

I've been rather surprised at how little I actually think about the sex of this little one inside me. With the other three I just couldn't wait to find out!! I think with Gabe it was because he was my first (and by the way I really wanted a boy first my whole life), and with Lily I just knew she was a girl and needed medical confirmation! Not sure why with Noah because I was on the fence with with I wanted. Not to say that I don't think about it at all because I do at times. It seems that so far the blogging community thinks girl. As for me, going by the pregnancy thus far I would guess its a girl. My nausea has been horrible just like it was with Lily (the boys weren't too bad). But if I go by intuition I'm leaning more towards boy at this point. But the intuition is barely there. With Lily I was totally convinced she was a girl!! I'm so excited to be surprised about this one! I'm going to be very clear to the ultrasound tech the steer clear of that whole region when I have my ultrasound! With Gabe we wanted to be surprised but it was so obvious in the ultrasound, lol.

Has anyone else ever gone on a baby moon before a baby was born? I have not. Simply because, we were too broke, lol. I would really like to this time around but in a different way. I probably should do a romantic getaway with lawrence....but..... What I would really like is to just go to edmonton for a couple days all by myself! Stay in a hotel, order room service, do some baby shopping....all by myself! I know, a little bit selfish but it would be so nice! I haven't talked with lawrence about it because its so far off yet (wouldn't go until the last couple months). We'll see.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

10 weeks 4 days

I had my second prenatal checkup yesterday. The results from my bloodwork had come back. So my hcg levels are normal which means only one baby! I'm actually a little relieved. I big part of me wanted twins but I also understand how much more work it would be! The bloodwork also revealed that my platelet's are at only 100 already. argg. I was really hoping that this would not be an issue with this pregnancy. I'm frustrated with myself for not ever going for my follow up bloodwork after Lily was born though. My Dr suspects that maybe my levels never returned to normal after lily and that right now its not actually pregnancy related. But we have no way of knowing because I never did my follow up. Silly me. So for now I have a standing requisition for montly bloodwork to monitor my levels. We won't do anything about it unless my levels go below 50 and I'm really not sure what the intervention would be at that point. She said something about steroids (yikes) but we haven't gotten into the whys and whats of it.

In other news. I got a prescription for diclectin yesterday! Wow, i feel so much better!! I drank coffee and milk this morning, something I haven't been able to do for weeks without running to the bathroom! I look forward to eating! And I can get stuff done! So now I need desperatly the get the house under control. I've been managing the basics (with lots of help from Lawrence and Tasha) but the clutter is starting to take over! Time for a major cleaning!! It just feels so good to not be sick!! Thank you Lord!!