
Thursday, December 2, 2010

2 weeks....again.

I saw my new Dr again yesterday. He did another ultrasound (I didn't get to see which is good because there was no temptation). From which he estimates baby to be around 6.5lbs already...hmmm? Gabe was my biggest baby at 6 lbs 14 oz and he was born at 38.5 weeks. I dont' think i'm really any bigger than i was with any of my other kids but i guess this is my fourth. I dont' put much stock in their estimates, i find their usually pretty far off. I can't imagine having a baby over 7lbs.

The induction is officially set. I guess here the Dr. has to fill out a form for induction, I had to sign it, and then he sends it to the mat/child ward of the hospital. On the form he puts what days he would like me induced and the hospital picks one of those dates and calls me with 1-2 days notice. So the form said anytimes from teh 12th to the 16th. I will be 38 weeks on the 14th. So it looks like if nothing happens on its own (unlikely anyways) I will be having this baby in two weeks time! I really would love for labor to get going on its own but its just not a likely scenario for me. I'm super excited to have a more firm idea of when baby is coming! I can better plan for child care for the other kids and it hopefully means i'll stop wondering about it everyday all day :) I'm going to have to keep myself super busy for the next two weeks to help them pass. Last week sure dragged by.

My usually faithful intuition is throwing me for a loop. Almost the entire pregnancy I just really felt this baby is a boy, despite that the pregnancy is most similar to my pregnancy with Lily. I just couldn't imagine the baby as a girl. So all of a sudden this past month I have been thinking of the baby as a girl and having a harder time imagining it being a boy. I will definitly be surprised no matter what it is! I really have no idea! The suspense is so much fun! Now if only we could pick names.

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